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Classroom Supplies

Win one of five classroom sets of science tools when your students use their “Student +3” vouchers!

Teachers can win one of five sets of classroom science tools! When a high percentage of their students use their UA “Student +3” vouchers for free admission to any of the institutions by May 31, teachers are entered in a raffle to win a set which includes microscopes, balances and document cameras. The 5 winners will be announced after UA EXPO in June. The winners will be contacted by email or phone.

What can administrators, parent coordinators and teachers do to help?  ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES TO USE THEIR UA “STUDENT +3” VOUCHERS!  What if my students have lost their “Student +3” vouchers?  Go to, login and request more!

NOTE: The Classroom Equipment is won by teachers (5 packages of microscopes, balances and a document camera) are won by 5 different teachers)