About UA

About UA

About UA

Learning science by doing science

Urban Advantage (UA), established in 2004, enhances public school science education through partnerships with schools, teachers, and families. We align with the Next Generation Science Standards, Ambitious Science Teaching, and the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education framework to support participating schools through school community professional learning at our eight partner institutions.

Our core components

Family Engagement Opportunities

Partnership with Science-Rich NYC Culture Institutions

Professional Learning (PL) for Teachers and Administrators

Teacher Leader Development

Classroom Materials Orders

Evaluation of Program Effectiveness

What we do

Parent Coordinator workshops, family and student events at institutions, and partner attendance at school events.

Why we do it

UA’s Family Engagement initiative creates events for families to explore, learn about, and make memories at partner institutions. UA holds annual PC workshops to help plan and execute school community trips and to help PCs gain valuable professional learning experience. Partners also attend school events to support learning and expand access to the whole school community.

Effect on students

Students participate in Scientific Exploration with their families. Students who learned in UA-participating schools have consistently been prompted to seek intergenerational knowledge, to ask curiosity questions, and to make connections, all practices that support solid science practice and family engagement.

UA in the news

How do kids learn best? An old truth states that kids do better in school when their families and communities are involved in their education.

Urban Advantage’s middle school science program pairs students and teachers with some of the top cultural institutions in the city to help them delve into research projects.

In the dimly lit Hall of Mammals in the American Museum of Natural History here, small clusters of teachers scrutinized dioramas of animal habitats from around the world, filling in sheets of field observations

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