UA in the News
More than 900 students taking over the American Museum of Natural History today for the largest middle school science expo in New York City. Participates coming from all five boroughs. Their research projects ranging from the effects of fidget spinners controlling stress to body heat to generate useable electricity.
More than 900 middle schoolers are showcasing science projects on topics from monkey grooming to solar ovens at a New York City museum. The American Museum of Natural History says Saturday’s event is the city’s largest middle school science expo. It features more than 400 student projects. Subjects include the effects of fidget spinner toys on controlling stress, using body heat to generate electricity and studying the effect of water from the polluted Gowanus water on the health of seaside goldenrod plants.
City kids got to show off their science smarts Sunday at a spot that’s a lot classier than the school cafeteria.Thalia Jaca, 14, an eighth-grader from the Manhattan Academy of Technology on the lower East Side, was one of more than 800 middle schoolers who presented their projects in a science fair at the American Museum of Natural History.
Thalia spent three weeks studying Jacob, a sea otter, at the New York Aquarium. She said the experience gave her lots of respect for her research subject.The crowd squeezes in front of her. Shouts and squeals echo all around. There’s little light, so she works by the faint glow of a cellphone.Elena Petrovska will not be deterred.
She is shadowing the queen angelfish.
The 12-year-old and her class partner are facing a massive fish tank, a replica of a Central American reef located within a darkened wing of the New York Aquarium. Their task, and that of their classmates gathered here today, is one of the most fundamental in science: conducting a field study. The two-person teams are tracking the movements of fish through different sections of the tank, recording data, and drawing conclusions, based on the behavior they observe. The goal is to design a tank of their own suitable to the fish’s natural habitat.