Online Learning

Online Learning

Welcome to Urban Advantage online learning!

We are looking forward to having you in one of our online learning professional development courses! Urban Advantage offers several online learning professional development courses each year meet two needs: to give teachers the ability to take courses with one of our partner institutions they may not normally access due to distance or time, and to offer teachers the schedule flexibility that comes with an online course. Our online offerings are available via Moodle, our online learning management system accessible via your myUA portal, and Zoom, a video conferencing and communications platform. Please carefully review the information below, especially if you are taking online courses for the first time.

In-Person and Online

These courses partially take place onsite in one of our partner institutions and partially online either via Zoom or Moodle.

Online (Zoom Only)

These courses take place solely online via Zoom.

Online (Moodle Only)

These courses take place solely online via Moodle and may offer synchronous office hours via Zoom to allow participants direct access to a facilitator.

Online (Moodle and Zoom)

These courses take place partially via Zoom and partially via Moodle.

Accessing your UA online learning course

Urban Advantage teachers should login to their myUA portal and check their “My Events” box for their registered courses. When your courses are ready to be viewed, an orange “Go to Course” button will appear under the “Details” button.

Getting started with moodle!

Please review the video below to learn more about our online learning management system and its key features.

You may also visit the “Moodle Help” section of your course for a more detailed guide to the different features of the online learning management system.

Strategies for success in UA online learning courses

  1. Check In Often! – Start by familiarizing yourself with the online course space. Routinely visiting the online workspace, replying to your colleagues’ posts, determining due dates, and planning the pace of work are all key in keeping yourself accountable for finishing your assignments.
  2. Make timely contributions – Create a schedule for yourself. Late contributions will delay your colleagues’ ability to converse with you and for you to receive feedback from the professional learning community, including your instructors.
  3. Provide evidence of critical thinking and thoughtfulness in your interactions with others – Everyone in the online course space is expected to actively participate and give their best effort when completing tasks. Actively engage with the course materials and resources made available to you by your instructor.
  4. Use proper etiquette – Being respectful of your colleagues is critical! We are here to learn and grow, not to pass judgment.
  5. Contribute to the learning community – Your experiences matter! Remember that this course is for all of you. It’s easy to want to “complete tasks,” but it is key to take the time to really listen to what our peers are telling us they need. Many students find that they learn a lot simply by engaging in discussions with others.
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! – Be kind to yourself when things become difficult or overwhelming. Our instructors know that sometimes, life happens! Please feel free to reach out to your instructor to communicate any questions, concerns, or roadblocks you might be facing.

Contacts Us for support

  1. Your course instructor will be the best person to assist you with any questions about the content (materials, assignments, scheduling, etc.) of your online course.
  2. If you are having technical difficulties with troubleshooting the online learning platform or your myUA account, please contact John Sapida, UA Manager of Digital Initiatives, at [email protected].
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